Young People Prepare to Tell Their Story on Campus
Youth For Christ Will Help Students Get Ready for God to Impact Their Schools Through THEM!
Central Valley Youth For Christ will host “Give Life Day,” a one-day event whose goal is to motivate and train students in reaching their friends for Christ when they finally return to campus this fall.
The event, scheduled for July 31st from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. PDT at Modesto Covenant Church, will include their own YFC Core Teams, and will also welcome youth groups from throughout the Central Valley, including Modesto, Merced, Ripon, Turlock, Sonora, Oakdale, Patterson, and beyond.
“I wouldn’t be in this position, on this side of bars, or possibly even alive – if it weren’t for friends in junior high who reached out to me during a very dark time. They had the guts to tell me I needed God’s help and the skills to lead me to Christ. 78% of people who decide to follow Jesus also have someone help them know what to do,” -Pete Kirchhoff, Campus Outreach Director for Central Valley Youth For Christ.
Youth For Christ exists to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus by creating a transformational environment for young people through authentic relationships, shared experiences, outdoor challenges, and times of solitude that draw students to the heart of God.
Participants can expect to:
- Hear God’s calling for them
- Devote themselves in worship
- Gain tools to use on campus
- Meet friends from their school
- Prepare to tell their own stories
- Discover ministry opportunities
- Enjoy great food & lunch games
“Following the pandemic, this a perfect time to renew students vision to be, ‘salt and light…fishers of men…and examples to others in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.’ Regardless of age, everyone has a story to share that can give life to their own friends and family,” says Pete.
YFC is all about engaging events as a vehicle to bring youth together to uncover God’s Story, focusing on relationships and not programs.
Locally, YFC is committed to helping students as they wrestle with issues they face, both big and small, while pursuing a balanced life: mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially.
Date: July 31, 2021
Time: 9am – 4pm PDT
Place: Modesto Covenant Church
Cost: $15 per person
YFC has chapters impacting thousands of communities across the nation that seek out and serve youth from all walks of life. Many teens are silently struggling through a variety of challenging issues—and now they see the living power of a loving God. YFC encourages staff and volunteers to be good news while also sharing the stories of the Good News of Jesus. It involves building relationships through the ups and downs of everyday life in order to lead people to Christ.
2 Minutes
A Life Changing Place for Betsy
Betsy joined YFC to get connected with other people on campus – to make friends and to be seen.

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A Simple Invite
Parent Life ministry reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children in unique ways to empower them in their next steps
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Changing The Way We Connect
Every conversation started with, “I just don’t know what to do!”
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One Week of Summer
#YFCSummer21 Encounters with God. The Experiences of the Week Enable Young People to Turn to Jesus.
2 Minutes
A Life Changing Place for Betsy
Betsy joined YFC to get connected with other people on campus – to make friends and to be seen.

2 Minutes
A Simple Invite
Parent Life ministry reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children in unique ways to empower them in their next steps
1 Minute
Changing The Way We Connect
Every conversation started with, “I just don’t know what to do!”
2 Minutes
One Week of Summer
#YFCSummer21 Encounters with God. The Experiences of the Week Enable Young People to Turn to Jesus.